大亨假期聖地牙哥灣坐百萬遊艇“California Spirit” & 香檳 + 遊艇自助式大餐一日遊



9/17 坐百萬遊艇 & 香檳 +遊艇大餐!!!


大亨假期 & 銀視網 WCETV 於 9/17親節聯合主辦聖地牙哥灣坐百萬遊艇“California Spirit” & 香檳 + 遊艇自助式大餐一日遊 !!! 行程包香檳 + 自助式大餐,  遊艇票, 碼頭費, 港口稅,報名從速。聖蓋博大亨假期還備有大型地下停車場可供遊客停車。

On 9/17, 大亨假期 & WCETV spotted “California Spirit” departing from the San Diego Bay with a champagne and buffet day trip! The package includes champagne on and buffet, the tickets on the yacht, terminal fees, port taxes. Register now! This location has a large underground parking available for tourists to park as well.

搭乘遊艇出海是廣受美國主流社會的休憩活動“California Spirit”是聖地牙哥最大的遊艇之一,可容納300人,遊客千萬別錯過與這豪華百萬遊艇合影 !!!!

Getting to the sea by boat is one of the most popular recreational activities in the United States. And “California Spirit” is one of the largest yachts in San Diego, accommodating up to 300 people. Do not miss your opportunity to take a photo with this luxurious million dollar yacht!

在約2小時的遊船中,遊艇環繞聖地牙哥灣。並在船上享用豐富的香檳 + 自助式大餐 !!! 有多種海鮮美食、小點及飲料等多種菜色。在這歡愉的用餐氣氛之中,一邊享受一頓豐富的遊艇大餐,一邊在百萬遊艇上縱覽兩岸風光, 輕風徐徐吹來, 讓人心曠神怡。

The two hour cruise on the yacht takes you around the San Diego Bay. Enjoy delicious champagne and buffet dinner on board. It includes a variety of seafood dishes, snacks, drinks, and other dishes. This pleasant dining atmosphere will allow you to enjoy the best of the feast with the gorgeous scenery across the strait.

午後前往聖地牙哥老城, 城中區的「世界市場」 有各類五顏六色的露天小店,專賣手工藝品、原始風味的印地安童玩及色彩鮮麗無比的傳統墨式服飾等。熱情的店員,身穿墨國傳統服飾,還有印地安街頭藝術家熱情演出,異國情調的曲風在古色古香的建築中飄盪,購物尋寶看熱鬧,不亦樂乎!令人感覺仿如置身墨國街頭。

Spend the afternoon in Old Town, which offers a variety of colorful shops that has its own specialities including ones with traditional Mexican culture. The enthusiastic staff put on their traditional clothing pairing well with the street performers and artists.


Spend the rest of the night in La Jolla, known as the “Pearl of the San Diego Beachfront.” The gorgeous terrain reminds you of the scenery in the northern coast of Taiwan. With rugged cliffs and groups of sea lions perched on the steeps of the rocks. Thousands of locals and tourists come to see the wonders of nature.


*9/17/2017 星期日出發, 團費只要$129, 12歲以下$109, 行程包含:早點及香檳 + 自助式大餐,  遊艇票, 碼頭費, 港口稅,車資, 巴士保險及導遊。

*On September 17th, 2017, they are offering a tour costing only $129, and $109 for children under the age of 12. The itinerary includes: champagne, buffet, yacht tickets, port fee, port tax, bus insurance, and tour guides.


*Tour fee does not include tip and self-pay items.


*Pickup location and time

7:30AM: 聖蓋博, 1045 E. Valley Blvd A111, San Gabriel, CA91776(C.T.S 大亨假期)

7:30 AM: San Gabriel, 1045 E. Valley Blvd #A111, San Gabriel, CA 91776 (C.T.S. 大亨假期)

8:00 AM: 羅蘭岡, 1015 S. Nogales St. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (99 Ranch Market 大華超市)

8:00 AM: Rowland Heights, 1015 S. Nogales St., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (99 Ranch Market)


大亨假期 has an underground parking lot available for tourists to park.

*此活動由大亨假期 & 銀視網 WCETV 聯合主辦, 歡迎來電洽詢。

*This event is jointly sponsored by WCETV and you may contact us at (626)912-3388.

*Please contact 大亨假期 at (626)288-8668 or at their offices at 1045 E. Valley Blvd  A111,San Gabriel, CA 91776 金世界廣場。

*大亨假期 & 銀視網 WCETV保留改變行程之權利, 以便團體之進行。



Tel:(626)288-8668   Fax(626)288-8122

1045E Valley Blvd A111, San Gabriel, CA91776


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